Saturday, April 27, 2013

Introduction: Welcome to The Sam Side.

Greetings all,

My name is Samantha, and I am very thankful to have the opportunity to share some of my thoughts and feelings about life and the world today with you. :)

I suppose, this being my first post, I should tell a bit about myself, yes? 

Well, first off, I am a Christian. God is and will always be the first and most important thing in my life. Period.
In all honesty and sincerity, I do not know where I'd be without Him. He has blessed me and helped me through so much over my lifetime; I would be lost without His everlasting love and guidance. 

I am an Adventures in Odyssey fan, and have been since Preschool. It's one of my favorite things.
I would list my favorite characters (And I'm sure I will eventually), but currently, I don't think I could sit down and actually choose from them all! Same goes for albums, episodes, actors/actresses... Hmm.

Well, I have many, many hobbies. Some of which include art, music, history, reading, writing, studying (Especially theology), and much more. I have a specific (And perhaps obsessive) love of writing, art, and music. I am very into the arts, actually. 

My posts will usually consist of life/world view thoughts, theology, personal posts, and finally, AIO reviews and thoughts in general. I am not the best writer, I will be the first to admit. However, I hope you enjoy as I continue to post as much as I can. 

As always, thank you very much for reading! 
God bless,


  1. Looking forward to seeing what you have to say. :)

  2. is this the Shey from AIO podcast land?? If indeed it is---wow! Great to have you in the blogosphere. :)
    I'm so glad you found me!

    Wheeeeee!! Can't wait to start reading up on whatcha got to write. :D

    Talk to ya soon,
